CCS13AW “Autumnal tints, Red Leaf Change” to be available

CCS13AW “Autumnal tints, Red Leaf Change”, the head/body of CCS13AW “Autumnal tints, Yellow Leaf” in CCS13AW “Autumnal tints, Red Leaf” fashion, will be released at PW Stores.
The amount of this item is not so big.
This will be released on December 6, 2013.
The detailed schedule will be announced on PetWORKs Store.
CCS13AW “Autumnal tints” Red Leaf Change
Price: JPY24,000 each.
Contents – Six items -
CCS-momoko, Knit Cardigan, Bodysuit Shirt, Tight Skirt,
Socks, Sneakers (STOC).
<< Notice >>
- This item is “First Come First Served”, sorry when the item is sold out.
- This item is exclusive to PetWORKs Stores.